Here are some of the projects in progress or in the process of planning.
Tokyo Colour Grid
When I was a child, living in Tokyo I thought this city was such a grey city and the scenery was not pretty. But I love grey as a colour and when I started painting, I was surprised with the diverse range of this hue that withholds every single colour in itself. In this project I will walk around familiar towns of Tokyo, where I and my ancestors lived to find different colours in "Tokyo grey". The project will eventually be a movie work but I will make a mind map first in a sketch book.
My drawings are always accompanied by stories or proses. Sometimes I come up with a story as I draw, sometimes act of drawing helps explain ambiguous words or feelings which are difficult to grab like floating scent in the air. For my drawings words are indispensable elements. When I have a cohesive story or prose, I always present it with drawings, which I will continue to do.
Lympah the small creatures
"Lympah the small creatures" is a series of illustration and embroidery work of animals and children which was made into products such as umbrellas, housewares amongst other before I took a hiatus but it is an on-going project.
Birds in my drawer
I love drawing birds. Types of birds seem unlimited. The variety of shape, voice and colour is just so impressive and beyond my imagination. I will share my bird drawings on blog from time to time.